NS BlueScope Indonesia Now Owns Service Centre Facility

“Although our business is currently facing tough market situation, we are very positive Indonesia will soon recover from the economy slowdown.”
On August, 6th 2015, NS BlueScope Indonesia (NSBI) inaugurated service center facility at Cilegon. The new facility consists of slitting and shearing line. This facility will provide better flexibility service to customers; adds value to the company and help to increase volume, market share, and generating sales, so it will be more competitive.
The event was attended by top management of NSBI, Paul Grigson as Ambassador of Australian Embassy in Indonesia, I Gusti Putu Suryawirawan as Director General of Metal, Machinery, Transportation Equipment and Electronics of the Ministry of Industry, Budi Irmawan as Director of Basic Metal Materials Industry, Drs. Sumawijaya MSI as Region Assistant III of Banten, and customers.
Country President of NSBI, Simon Linge said, “Although our business is currently facing tough market situation, we are very positive Indonesia will soon recover from the economy slowdown.”
Infrastructure and construction sector will rise again along with the Government’s infrastructure projects. This new factory will help NSBI to be ready supporting our customers and the economy.”
Chief Executive NS BlueScope Coated Products, Sanjay Dayal also added in his speech, “At BlueScope, safety is our number one priority and I am pleased to report that to-date facility has been built and commissioned with zero lost time injuries. We congratulate everyone involved for this achievement.”