CEO’s message
“We’re continuing to adapt to the opportunities and challenges of sustainability.”
Welcome to BlueScope’s Sustainability Report, which communicates our progress in further embedding sustainability into every aspect of how we do business.
Our sustainability reporting explains the work we are doing to ensure BlueScope is alert, responsive and adapting to every aspect of our ever-changing environment.
View BlueScope’s Sustainability Report
BlueScope ESG Investment
Our Belief
At BlueScope, we express our fundamental beliefs – what we value and how we will behave – in “Our Bond” and our “Guide to Business Conduct”.
Our Bond
Our Bond is a statement of commitment to four stakeholders – our customers, employees, shareholders and communities – and is very important to us. The words in “Our Bond” reflect the characteristics of honesty and integrity that we value and aspire to live by. Our word is our Bond.
Learn MoreGuide to Business Conduct
Our Guide to Business Conduct sets the principles that govern how people should behave when conducting business on BlueScope’s behalf. Read more about BlueScope’s commitment to sustainable products and the actions we are taking to be a more sustainable business.
Learn MoreNS BlueScope Vietnam achieves ResponsibleSteel™ Site Certification
NS BlueScope Vietnam’s factory in Phu My has been certified with ResponsibleSteel™, becoming the first in Vietnam’s steel industry and the first alloy-coated steel plant in Southeast Asia to achieve this certificate. Phu My factory is the third of its kind across BlueScope’s global production facilities to be a responsible steel manufacturer.
To be eligible for this certificate, the business has to meet 12 strict criteria in ESG that are specifically designed for the steel industry. These criteria enable businesses to have a common transparent roadmap applied globally for responsible steel manufacturing. NS BlueScope Vietnam’s plant in Phu My, particularly, meets most of these strict criteria, which is rarely seen in the industry.
ResponsibleSteel™ Certificate and Public Summary for BlueScope – Phu My (Feb 2024)
Learn MoreResponsible Sourcing
We seek to partner with supplier businesses large and small who share and commit to work in accordance with our supply chain sustainability values and standards. We communicate and set our expectations with suppliers, and monitor supplier alignment with our Responsible Sourcing Standard and Supplier Code of Conduct.
Our Responsible Sourcing Policy has been designed to ensure we have sustainable sourcing practices. BlueScope’s BlueScope Human Rights Policy sets out our human rights commitments to our people and those who work with us. Importantly we recognise that our partnerships with suppliers are crucial in ensuring the social, environmental and ethical risks inherent in our global supply chains are managed according to the values inherent in Our Purpose & Our Bond.
Suppliers must support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights and ensure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses. BlueScope has a zero tolerance stance on forced and compulsory labour and child labour.
Learn MoreSupplier Code of Conduct
Our Supplier Code of Conduct sets out BlueScope’s minimum standards for suppliers. We expect our suppliers to meet the expectations in this Code themselves and to share these expectations with their own suppliers so that they are communicated through the supply chain.
This Code of Conduct is relevant and applicable for all BlueScope’s suppliers and contractors. We require our suppliers to monitor their compliance with this Code of Conduct and to communicate to BlueScope any issues or challenges in their operations and supply chain. Suppliers will also be required to comply with BlueScope processes that seek to assess compliance with this Code of Conduct. This includes responding to requests for information and may include site visits, third party assessments and corrective action plans.
BlueScope – Supplier Code of Conduct can be found here.
Supplier Payment Code
BlueScope recognises that on-time payment of invoices is an inherent part of our commitment to all our suppliers. We also recognise that, in addition to reliability of payments, the length of payment terms is a key consideration for small businesses, who often have less capacity to support long credit terms.
BlueScope – Supplier Payment Code is our commitment in relation to payments to suppliers and payment terms for Vietnamese small business suppliers.
More information can be found here.
Read or download our Health, Safety, Environment and Community Policy here.
At BlueScope, our success comes from our people. We choose to treat each other with trust and respect.
We understand that the range of perspectives that result from having a diverse and inclusive workplace will strengthen BlueScope’s capability for continued and sustained business success.
We know that a talented and capable workforce is a competitive advantage.
To build on this advantage we will strive to hire, develop, promote and retain the most qualified people available at all levels – people who reflect the diversity of our customers, markets and the communities in which we operate. This is Our Diversity Commitment.
Read or download our Diversity and Inclusion Policy here.